Textbook Home Programs and Data Reviews Videos

Welcome to the website for Analysis of Categorical Data with R, 2nd Edition. The textbook can be purchased from CRC Press or online retailers such as Amazon.

This website contains all R programs and data sets used for every analysis in the textbook. It also features videos recorded to teach a course corresponding with the textbook. We sincerely hope these resources will make the learning and teaching processes easier for readers and instructors.

A solutions manual for all exercises is available for instructors who adopt the textbook as a required resource for a course. Please e-mail the first author to request a copy.

We have discovered a few minor errors in the hardcover version of the textbook since it was printed. A list of errors and clarifications are available from here. Please contact one of us if you discover any additional errors.

If you have comments or suggestions about the textbook, feel free to contact one of us at the e-mail addresses below. Also, if you find the textbook and these supplemental materials to be useful, we would love to hear from you! However, please note that we cannot respond to requests for additional explanations of material from the text beyond what is given in the book or the supplemental materials. In particular, we do not provide help to readers who are trying to solve exercises.

We are available for short courses based on the textbook. Please contact us as the e-mail addresses below if you are interested.

The website for the first edition is available at chrisbilder.com/categorical/1stEdition.


Chris Bilder ()
Tom Loughin ()