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Listed below are the assigned homework problems.  Although most of these homework problems will NOT be turned in for a grade, you should expect to see similar problems or these exact problems on tests and projects.  You will be at a great disadvantage when taking tests and completing projects without doing these homework problems.  Partial answers and SAS programs are available for some homework problems.  

If you are using Internet Explorer 4.0 or above, the homework is listed as a collapsible outline. To expand the outline, click on the bullet to the left of the chapter's homework that you would like to see.

bulletChapter 1
bulletRun the SAS program GPA_example.sas.  The data set needed for it is located on the data sets webpage. 
bullet1.20, 1.24, 1.28, 1.45 
bulletClick here for the SAS program for #1.45 
bulletNote that all data sets in NKNW are on the diskette accompanying the textbook.  If your book did not come with the diskette, go to the data sets web page to download them.  
bulletExamine the regression applet at http://www.niss.org/~karr/stats/regression1.html 
bulletChapter 2
bullet2.2, 2.5, 2.11, 2.12, 2.14 (replace d. with: use SAS to create a scatter plot with the estimated regression line, 90% C.I., bands, and 90% P.I. bands), 2.24 (only a.-c.), 2.30 (only a. and c.), 2.31 (a.-c.), 2.47.   
bulletChapter 3
bulletFor part a., use PROC UNIVARIATE to examine X.  
bulletFor part e., only do the normal probability plot. 
bulletFor part d., only do the normal probability plot.
bulletChapter 4
bullet4.3 (only b.-c.), 4.7 (only a. and c. using the Bonferroni procedure), 4.27 (only a.-b. and d. using the Bonferroni procedure)
bulletChapter 5
bullet5.4, 5.12, 5.23
bulletFind the following for the calculator maintenance data set (see #1.20) using matrix methods: 
95% C.I. for E(Yh) at Xh=6, and 95% P.I. for Yh(new) at Xh=6.
bulletChapter 6
bullet6.18(a.-e., g.)
bulletFor e.: Don't do the two factor interaction plots
bulletPartial answers (download Word file)
bulletFor c.: Also calculate and interpret the adjusted R2
bulletUse the Bonferroni procedure
bulletFor d.: Also calculate and interpret  the adjusted R2
bulletFor e.: Don't do the two factor interaction plots
bulletSupplementary problems (download Word file)
bulletChapter 7
bullet7.7, 7.8, 7.10, 7.15, 7.27, 7.36a.-c., 7.37a.-c. (do not find the combine risk for b.), 7.57, 7.60
bulletAlso for 7.37c., do the following: 
bulletUsing PROC G3D, create a scatter plot of the data.
bulletUsing PROC G3D, create a plot of the estimated regression plane. 
bulletUsing PROC GCONTOUR, create a contour plot of the estimated regression plane.
bulletPartial answers (download Word file)
bulletChapter 8
bulletFor part a., run PROC UNIVARIATE on all of the independent variables instead of doing a dot plot.
bulletFor part a., use slentry=0.15 and slstay=0.30 instead of the F limits given in the problem.  
bulletFor part c. use the following model statement in SAS (notice the include option): model Y=X1 X2 X3 X4 / include=1 details=summary slentry=0.15 slstay=0.30 selection=stepwise;
bulletThis data step can be used to read in the data, transform Y, and keep observations 57-113:  

data senic1;
infile 'c:/chris/osu/stat4043/NKNW_data/apc1.dat';
input ID stay age infection culture xray beds school 
        region census nurses facilities;
stay_log = log10(stay);
if _n_ >= 57;
bulletFor part a., run PROC UNIVARIATE on all of the independent variables instead of doing a dot plot.
bulletFor part c., use all model selection methods discussed for Chapter 8, except for PRESSp.
bulletPartial answers (download Word file)
bulletChapter 9
bulletFor part c, only do the normal probability plot
bulletFor part b, only do the normal probability plot
bulletPartial answers (download Word file)
bulletChapter 10
bullet10.29 - Replace with the following questions in 10.29HW.doc
bulletPartial answers (download Word file)
bulletChapter 11
bullet11.26 and 11.27

  © 2000-2001 Christopher R. Bilder