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Statistics 4091
(Statistics 5910 for statistics graduate students)
Statistical Analysis System
Spring 2003
Name: Christopher R. Bilder, Ph.D.
Office: MS 301G
Office hours: MT 2:00-3:00 and by appointment
Personal website: www.chrisbilder.com
E-mail: bilder@okstate.edu
STAT 4091 website: statistics.okstate.edu/bilder/stat4091
There are no textbooks required for the class! We will be using the SAS
online documentation at
http://www.okstate.edu/sas/v8/sashtml/main.htm as our main source of
information on how to use SAS. Other optional textbooks are
SAS System for Elementary Statistical Analysis, Sandra D. Schlotzhauer and Ramon
C. Littell, 1997.
Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language, Third Edition, Ronald P.
Cody and Jeffrey K. Smith, 1997.
Learning SAS in the Computer Lab, Second Edition, Rebecca J. Elliott, 2000.
Sections for the course
- Introduction
- Simple data summary
- Graphing
- More data summary
- Data step
- Macros
- Analyst
- Output delivery system
- Other topics
Required -
STAT 4013: Statistical Methods I
Grades will be based upon the following:
of Grade
1 Comprehensive Final
1 Midterm
Projects, Quizzes, etc...
Grading Scale:
Graduate |
Undergraduate |
A |
³90% |
³87% |
B |
and <90% |
and <87% |
C |
and <80% |
and <77% |
D |
and <70% |
and <67% |
F |
Below 60% |
Below 57% |
A project completed in an unreadable or unprofessional manner will be
returned to the student. The project may be redone and turned in again; however,
points will be deducted from the grade. No late projects, quizzes, etc. will be
I recommend completing the projects in groups. If you do work in a group, all
group members are expected to participate equally and have a complete
understanding how to do all components of the projects.
You are required to turn in all projects electronically. E-mail projects to me
in Word documents BEFORE the class period the project is due. I will e-mail you
an acknowledgement if it has been received. If you do not receive an e-mail
acknowledgement from me, it is your responsibility to determine what happened to
the project.
Computer Usage
The statistical computer software package, SAS, will be used extensively to
do calculations in this class. SAS is available in all university computer labs.
All projects must be completed using SAS unless otherwise announced. Projects
completed using other software packages will not be accepted.
Final Exam
The final exam is scheduled for 10:00AM-11:50AM on Tuesday, May 6.
How to be successful in the course
To be successful in this course, I strongly suggest that you should:
1. Take all exams
2. Complete all projects
3. Be able to reproduce and understand all SAS work discussed in class
4. Complete ALL other homework assigned
If you have problems with completing any of the above, please ask questions in
class or stop by during my office hours.