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Reviews of the first edition

Ngesa, O. and Ziegler, A. (2015). Review of "Analysis of Categorical Data with R". Biometrical Journal 57(3), 517-518.



Park, T. (2015). Review of "Analysis of Categorical Data with R". Biometrics 71(4), 1198-1199.



Liu, I. (2016). Review of "Analysis of Categorical Data with R". Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 58(1), 141-142.



Liu, S. (2016). Review of "Analysis of Categorical Data with R". International Statistical Review 84(1), 162-163.



Endorsement by Deborah Rumsey, Professor in the Department of Statistics at Ohio State University

Bilder and Loughin have worked as a dynamic duo for a number of years, and they clearly are blending their knowledge, talents, experience, and teamwork to create this valuable book. Analyzing categorical data correctly and in-depth is not as simple as it appears in many courses and textbooks. As a result, many people can get the wrong idea about what could and should be with categorical data, and hence their results can be inconclusive or incorrect. This book gives users the full scoop when it comes to analyzing categorical data of all types, and it does so in an easy to understand way, giving confidence to the reader to go ahead and apply the ideas in practice. The use of R for analyzing data is becoming a worldwide phenomenon and a staple for data analysts on every level. As its popularity grows, it becomes critical for beginners to become comfortable with understanding and using R to analyze their data. Through the special attention paid to teaching the basics of R, as well as providing step-by-step particulars in using R in each separate analysis, Bilder and Loughin help establish and promote a group of confident, comfortable users of this software that can seem a mystery to many. I highly and happily recommend this book to anyone who plans to analyze categorical data in their careers – which includes most all of us!