| Chapter 1
| 7, 8, and 9 |
| Partial answers
(Word file) - Some of the SAS procedures used in the answers have
not been discussed in class yet. These will be during the
first few weeks of class. You can at least now get a little
experience with using them. |
| Chapter 2
| Click here to download a
Word file containing the homework questions. |
| Chapter 3
| None, except make sure you can reproduce all of the plots
discussed in class |
| Chapter 4
| Chapter 5
| Chapter 6
| 4 (don't compare to answers in #3),
appl.txt contains the data
set in an ASCII text file |
| Partial answers (Word file) |
| Chapter 7
| 1, 2a-c, k nearest
neighbor discriminant analysis examples in
Johnson (1998) |
| Partial answers (Word file) |
| Chapter 8
| Read Bilder and Loughin (1998) |
| Read Swets, Dawes, and Monahan (2000) |
| Chapter 9
| Perform a cluster analysis for the Goblet data -
See goblet_ch9.sas and the example in the notes |
| Chapter 10
| 2 (parts a, g, h only and test for a
control-treatment main effect), 3 (part a only),
4, 5 |
| Partial
answers (Word file) |
| Chapter 11
| Chapter 12
| Read example 12.2 in Johnson (1998) |