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The links below contain Word versions of the files. 

  1. Project #1 for chapters 1-3; Student web pages:
    bulletBeyer, Isom, and Sisler
    bulletJohnson, Teoh, and Koh
    bullet Prendeville and Ruthruff
    bulletTu, Zeng, and Kyriakos
  2. Project #2 for chapters 4-6
    bulletBeyer, Isom, and Sisler
    bulletGreen, Kerby, and Sather
    bulletJiang, Liu, and Wang
    bulletJohnson, Teoh, and Koh
    bullet Opiyo, Penn, and Khayyam
    bullet Prendeville and Ruthruff
    bullet Zeng, Tu, and Xu
    bullet Zhang and Huang
  1. Project #3  for chapter 7
    bulletBeyer, Isom, and Sisler
    bulletGreen, Kerby, and Sather
    bulletJiang, Liu, and Wang
    bulletJohnson, Teoh, and Koh
    bulletOpiyo, Penn, and Khayyam
    bulletPrendeville and Ruthruff
    bulletZeng, Tu, and Xu
    bulletZhang and Huang
  2. Project #4 for chapters 8-9
    bulletBeyer, Isom, and Sisler
    bulletGreen, Kerby, and Sather
    bulletJiang, Liu, and Wang
    bulletJohnson, Teoh, and Koh
    bulletOpiyo, Penn, and Khayyam
    bulletPrendeville and Ruthruff
    bulletZeng, Tu, and Xu
    bulletZhang and Huang













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