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The links below contain Excel97 files, Word97 files, or executable zip versions of the files.  If you are using Internet Explorer 4.0 or above, the files are listed in as a collapsible outline.  To expand the outline, click on the bullet to the left of the chapter's files you would like to see.  

bulletChapter 11
bulletbaseball_FA: Contains the baseball free agency data set and Excel hypothesis test output for a dependent sample hypothesis test for two means. 
bulletbox_dot_plot: Creates side-by-side box and dot plots for up to 4 groups.  This is the same file as listed for chapter 14.
bulletconagra_SP500: Contains the ConAgra and S&P 500 weekly returns from 10/20/97 to 10/12/98.  A hypothesis test for the ratio of two variances is performed.
bulletchi_square_dist: Shows how to calculate a critical value from the c2 distribution and the effect that different degrees of freedom has on the c2 distribution. This is the same file as listed for Chapter 17. 
bullethand_grenades: Contains the hand grenades data set.  Shows how to construct a spreadsheet to perform a hypothesis test for s2.
bullethyp2_divyield: Contains the dividend yield data and Excel hypothesis test output for an independent sample hypothesis test for two means.
bullethyp2_drug: Contains the drug clinical trial data and Excel hypothesis test output for a dependent sample hypothesis test for two means.
bulletChapter 12
bullet3_stocks.xls: Contains the Yahoo!, ConAgra, KPL and S&P 500 Index returns from 1/2/98 to 12/31/98.  
bulletAmazon_assign1.xls: Shows an example of how to find regression models and plots for a Beta coefficient analysis (similar to problem 12.79).  The data used is Amazon.com's returns from 1/2/98 to 12/31/98. 
bulletcba_courses: College of Business Administration courses offered for the Fall 1999 semester.
bulletCI_PI_Calc: Calculates one confidence and prediction interval for a specific value of X.  These intervals are only for simple linear regression models.
bulletHS_College_GPA: Contains the high school and college data set, regression output, confidence and prediction intervals, and sum of squares calculations.
bulletinvest: Investment data set with scatter plots and correlation matrix.
bulletleast_squares_demo: Demonstration of how the least squares method works for the GPA data set.
bulletstability_testing: Used to determine the shelf-life of the drug data.  Included is the regression output and C.I. & P.I. bands on a scatter plot with an estimated regression line. 
bulletChapter 13 (Test 1)
bulletAd_responses: Contains the number of advertisement responses data set, scatter plot holding circulation constant, scatter plot holding advertisement size constant, and 3-D scatter plot with estimated regression plane.
bulletbody_fat: Contains the body fat data set and homework questions.
bulletci_pi_mult_reg: Calculates C.I.s and P.I.s for the dependent variable with up to five independent variables.
bulletF_Distribution: Shows how to calculate a critical value from the F-distribution and the effect that different degrees of freedom has on the F-distribution.
bulletNBA_example: Contains the NBA data set which is used for in-class examples.
bulletChapter 13 (Test 2)
bulletadd_line_to_plot: This is a Word file that contains screen captures illustrating how to add a linear line to an Excel XY plot.
bulletcar_mpg_data: Contains the car highway miles per gallon (MPG) data set.  The data source is http://www.eren.doe.gov/feguide/.
bulletft_cm_age: Shows how to convert feet and inches to centimeters.  Also shows how to find the age in years of a person.  
bullet NBA_model_building: Contains the regression output and plots for the complete analysis of the NBA data set using all independent variables.
bulletstability_testing_13_11: Contains the data for the stability testing example used in Sections 13.11 and 13.13.   Included are Excel regression outputs and scatter plots with estimated regression lines for different levels of lot.
bulletstem-and-leaf: Constructs a stem-and-leaf plot.
bulletunequal_variances: Example of using the natural logarithm transformation to solve an unequal variances problem.
bulletChapter 14
bulletbox_dot_plot: Creates side-by-side box and dot plots for up to 4 groups.  This is the same file as listed for chapter 11.
bulletCRD_mult_comp: Finds the ANOVA table and performs the Bonferroni multiple comparison procedure for CRDs.
bulletgolf_balls: Contains the golf ball distance data set.  RCB and CRD analyses are included.
bullethealthy_choice: Contains the Healthy Choice Cereal design types' sales data.  A CRD analysis is included using the Excel "ANOVA: Single Factor" analysis tool and using formulas.  One-a-time multiple comparisons may be done in the multiple_comparisons sheet. The Using ANOVA formulas sheet is set up to allow users to add constants to the data in individual treatments.  The formulas and the dot plot on this sheet automatically update to illustrate what effect changes in the data have on the ANOVA results.
bulletRCB_mult_comp: Finds the ANOVA table and performs the Bonferroni multiple comparison procedure for RCBs.
bulletChapter 16
bulletCPI: Contains the consumer price index data set.
bulletKSU_enroll: Contains the KSU enrollment data set.  Included are the plots, formulas, and output associated with exponential smoothing, regression, and 2-point moving average models.
bulletKU_enroll: Contains the KU enrollment data set. 
bulletMcDonalds: Contains the McDonald's revenues data set.  The Excel file comes from Levine, Berenson, & Stephan (1997).
bulletrussell3000: Contains the Russell 3000 Index data set.   Included are the 5, 10, 30, 60-point moving average and the W=0.1, 0.5, 0.75, 0.90 exponential smoothing models with plots.
bulletS_P_500: Contains start-of-the-week S&P 500 Index values from 1/3/94 to 7/13/98.
bulletsunspots: Contains the yearly number of sunspots data set.
bulletvolleyball: Shows how to calculate the weighted composite index for the cost of playing volleyball.
bulletChapter 17
bulletBird: Contains the Larry Bird free throw shooting data set and the formulas to perform a hypothesis test for independence in a two-way table.
bulletchi_square_dist: Shows how to calculate a critical value from the c2 distribution and the effect that different degrees of freedom has on the c2 distribution. This is the same file as listed for Chapter 11. 
bulletchi_test: Performs hypothesis tests for independence in 2x2, 2x3, 3x3, 2x4, 2x5, and 4x5 tables.  Graphs are shown to illustrate the degree of deviance from independence.   
bulletM&Ms_test: Contains the M&M's data set and the formulas to perform a hypothesis test for categorical probabilities in a one-way table.
bullet17.35: Contains the #17.35 data set and the formulas to perform a hypothesis test for categorical probabilities in a one-way table.


This web page was last updated at 09/02/03 08:37 PM

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© 1998 Christopher R. Bilder